the Wolfepack

My periodical blog

Earth 2.0????? - well, maybe just build(2015)


Peter Wolfe
Blog owner

Nice those new discoveries, but there is only one or maybe 2 problems with them

1: distance = 1400 lightyears away which is 2660 billion kms which is 2660.000.000.000 and probably some more zero's away

2: age: calculated 11.4 biljon years old, much older than our Universe.

Consequences: Distance, we dont have spacecraft with the necessary speed to reach it "within ok time".....Age, the found system is so old that we can expect that any reasonable "life" might be extinct let alone messages from there.

So again, we have been surprised by Kepler but disappointed by the possible "use" of the info. But it would have been nice, a whole planet like ours for us alone....we will of course NOT invite groups like IS, they can have their Kalifate for themselves and fight amongst themselves for supremacy....

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